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Pubic Shaving For Men Why Electric Beard Shavers &Amp; Razor Blades Aren’t Suitable For Your Pubic Area

By Natalie Williams

Approximately 30% of the visitors to my web site entered my web site from the male pubic hair removal web pages. A lot of men are interested in learning how to remove their pubic hair but do not know how to start as most of the pubic hair removal products and services are catered mainly for women.

Let’s check out the prevalent pubic hair removal methods used by women to find out why they may not work for men.

Why Brazilian Waxing May Be Bad For Men

Some Brazilian waxing studios accept male customers at a higher price. Unfortunately, most men are reluctant to visit a waxing studio as they feel very out of place there.


Some men will find the prospect of exposing their private parts to a total stranger very embarrassing. The pulling of hair from the ultra sensitive skin of the testicles isn’t a good idea. Most women feel sore after the wax strips are removed from their pubic region for a day or two. Can you imagine if you did the same thing on a man’s testicles? I bet he wouldn’t be able to walk properly for a couple of days!

Why You Should Not Use A Male Electric Shaver For Anywhere Other Than Your Face

Here’s a stupid idea I got from my research – Using an electric beard shaver on your pubic hair. I don’t understand why people would risk getting skin irritations on their private parts like that. Anyway, if you plan to use one, please remember to use a different shaving foil for your pubic region for hygiene purposes.

Say No To Razor Blades

Women have the availability of leg shavers for shaving their pubes. Although this isn’t the best tool to use, at least they have leg shavers while men don’t. I do not recommend using any traditional razor blade on the sensitive pubic region because it may cause pubic rashes, pubic pimples and ingrown pubic hair. Don’t believe me? Try shaving your balls with a razor blade and I guarantee you’ll feel a terrible burning sensation all over your testicles due to the razor burns.

Pubic hair removal methods that work for women may not work as well for men. Thankfully, there are specialized pubic hair removers that work well on both sexes. I personally use and recommend the “Body Bare” shaver. Ever since I started using this product, all my skin irritations stopped surfacing. Stop trying to save money on ineffective tools that may hurt your family jewels. It’s not worth the risk.

About the Author: Natalie Williams’ recommended pubic shaver is the

Body Bare shaver

. Visit her web site for more

male pubic hair removal tips

on how to shave your pubes.


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