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Potty Training A 12 Week Old Puppy

An Effective Guide to Potty Training a 12 Week Old Puppy

Potty training a puppy can be a hefty task, especially with a 12-week old pup that’s full of energy and curiosity. However, with the right strategies and plenty of patience, it can turn into a rewarding experience. One effective method of potty training includes using a dog grass pad.

A dog grass pad is an artificial turf that mimics the texture and scent of real grass. It serves as a familiar and enticing surface to encourage your puppy to eliminate. This method is exceptionally beneficial for apartments and homes without easy outdoor access. It’s also handy during inclement weather.

Get the Right Size

Choosing the appropriate-size potty pad is important. It should be sufficiently large so that if the puppy misses a little, the mess remains on the pad. If you have a larger breed, you might require an extra-large dog grass pad.

Decide on a Potty Area

You should designate a specific area for your puppy to use the bathroom. Consistency is key, and the chosen spot should always remain the same during the training process. Once the area is decided, place the dog grass pad there.

Implement a Routine

Puppies thrive on routine. Plan a schedule around your pup’s potty times, usually after meals or playtime. Direct your puppy to the dog grass pad during these times, and reinforce using it for potty.

Positive Reinforcement

Whenever your puppy uses the dog grass pad, make sure to reinforce this behavior with positive affirmation. Whether it’s a small treat, effusive praise, or a warm pet, such rewards will help the dog associate the pad with positive experiences.

Managing Accidents

During the training phase, accidents are bound to happen. When your puppy messes up, do not punish them. Instead, clean up the mess quickly and calmly, then guide your puppy back to the dog grass pad. It will help your puppy understand that it’s the correct place for potty.

Cleaning the Dog Grass Pad

To ensure your puppy continually uses this specified spot, keep the dog grass pad clean. The cleaning process generally involves emptying the catch basin, washing the grass pad with soapy water, and replacing the grass sheet.

The journey of potty training your 12 week old puppy might not be an overnight success, yet it’s essential to remain patient and consistent throughout this process. Using a dog grass pad can ease the process and can be an effective training tool, especially for high-rise dwellers.

Remember, your puppy is learning; they are bound to make mistakes. Your role is to guide them, teach them, and above all, to foster a relationship of trust with them. This method of training provides not only a potty solution but also a stepping stone to building a strong bond with your furry friend.